Fat Daddy
July 4, 2019: NEW ALBUM ALERT!:
Buy Fat Daddy's new GONE TO LOVE YOU RIGHT album at Amazon.
Fatdaddy's Gonna Love You Right
I'm Tired
Another Man's Wife
The Blame
Mr. Nobody
Party Rock
Right Hand Know
Mail Man
First Love
Mr. Bartender
Strong Woman
Daddy B. Nice notes:

I recognized the potential for greatness in Fat Daddy from the moment I heard
"The Blame," and that's why an unknown from Texas scored the number one single of the year (scroll down to "About Artist").
Fat Daddy ransacks the past, the richest vein in recent southern soul history in fact, looking for inspiration in the turn-of-the-century recordings made in the Delta. If only more young artists did the same!
"Mr. Nobody" looks back to Johnnie Taylor's original, perhaps via Carl Sims' 2001 remake. (See Daddy B. Nice's
Mailbag Looking For A Song Letter).
"Strong Woman" is based on
Jesse Graham's "Mr. Mailman". And even the songs that don't cannibalize as brazenly as "Mr. Nobody" and "Strong Woman" are steeped in the musical sound of turn-of-the-century southern soul. That milieu thrived while the Internet was still young, before the music had anywhere but a few regional venues in which to market (insuring this music would remain obscure). Still, led by Jackson, Mississippi's Malaco/Waldoxy Records but also far-flung Suzie Q, Ichiban, Ace, Konkord, Mardi Gras and more, the early 00's remain the pinnacle of contemporary southern soul.
So, maybe as a penitential gesture, Fat Daddy gives his duet with Sir Charles Jones the title
"Mail Man". "The Blame" and "Mailman" are examples of songs forged from a love of vintage contemporary southern soul. "The Blame's" #1 Song-of-The-Year honor was preceded by
this write-up in July 2018:
Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .
-------JULY 2018-------
1. "The Blame"------Fat Daddy
Who says the young people don't "get" southern soul? Fat Daddy's "The Blame Is On Me" is an unexpected gift. Excepting a couple of appearances on DBN's Concert Calendar (including R.L. Griffin's Blues Palace in Dallas) I know nothing about him, he's never contacted me, and to my knowledge he's never recorded before, but this ballad blows away the powerful likes of Vick Allen's "I Want You" and Rick Lawson's return with "I Done Found Your Good Thing," and your Daddy B. Nice will always acknowledge the talent, just like when Vick and Rick first appeared.
Listen to Fat Daddy singing "The Blame" on YouTube.
Buy Fat Daddy's "The Blame" at Amazon.
And "Mailman" with Sir Charles Jones
charted recently with this bullet review:
Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .
-------APRIL 2019-------
...6. "Mail Man"----Fat Daddy featuring Sir Charles Jones
Think of it. Your first southern soul single becomes the #1 Song of the Year. A dream come true. And the next year--2019--you have the King of Southern Soul, Sir Charles Jones, singing alongside you on a five-minute-plus stab at another number-one single. That's the fate of Fat Daddy, who has a deep well of southern soul inspiration behind his work.
Listen to Fat Daddy and Sir Charles singing "Mail Man" on YouTube.
Listen to all the tracks from Fat Daddy's GONE TO LOVE YOU RIGHT on YouTube.
Listen to Fat Daddy's GONE TO LOVE RIGHT CD on Spotify.
Buy Fat Daddy's GONE TO LOVE YOUR RIGHT CD at Apple.
2018 Multi-Award Winner
See Daddy B. Nice's Comprehensive Index!
--Daddy B. Nice
About Fat Daddy
The Top 25 Southern Soul Songs of 2018
1. "The Blame"-------Fat Daddy
Power. Mystery. Immediacy. Slaking the unquenchable thirst of southern soul fans, "The Blame Is On Me" came out of nowhere from an unknown artist and an unknown producer, every bit as fully realized--if not quite as technically sophisticated--as the stone-cold classics produced by Harrison Calloway for Johnnie Taylor, Marvin Sease and Little Milton at Tommy Couch's Malaco Records two decades ago.
Listen to Fat Daddy singing "The Blame" on YouTube.
1-5 Star Recommended Tracks