Daddy B. Nice's

Artist Guide

Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart!
#126 ranked Southern Soul Artist

Portrait of Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart! by Daddy B. Nice

"Third Of The Month"

Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart!

Composed by Stan Butler

November 20, 2022:

Stan Butler is now the #25-ranked southern soul artist on Daddy B Nice's new Top-100 Chart---The New Generation.

Click here. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Breaking News 1/29/22: BEST CHITLIN' CIRCUIT BLUES SONG OF 2021: Stan Butler feat. West Love ----- "Down In The Kuntry" CLICK HERE.

November 1, 2019: Re-posted from Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 Singles

New Single Alert!

Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------NOVEMBER 2019-------

1. "Cowboy Ride"-----Stan Butler aka Deacon Low Down

This is an incredible song, with a new persona and new vocal style for Stan Butler, a joy to hear and watch. "Cowboy Ride" is this year's "Black Horse" (Best Mid-Tempo Song 2018 by Jeter Jones). Halfway through, a vaguely eastern musical motif is tossed into the mix like an exotic fish into a gumbo.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Cowboy Ride" on YouTube. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

October 26, 2019: Excerpted from Daddy B. Nice's Corner October 20, 2019: New & Noteworthy

Stan Butler Reincarnated As Deacon Low Down, With A New Vocal Style To Match!!

After a recording/performing hiatus of a couple of years, Stan Butler is back. And wait 'till you see him in the video!

Watch the official video of Stan Butler singing "Cowboy Ride" on YouTube. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

February 28, 2018:

Daddy B. Nice Announces THE WINNERS of the 2017 (11th Annual) SOUTHERN SOUL MUSIC AWARDS.

Best Out-Of-Left-Field Song

Top Contenders:

“I Left My Woman” ----- Stan Butler
“You Do Too” ---- Bishop Bullwinkle
“Bobalagaboom” ---- Wendell B. w/ Royal
“Clap Your Hands (Club Mix)" ----- Kings of Soul (Jarvis Greene, Big Ro Williams, & Arthur Roland)
“Party Line” ---- Alan “Ace” Curry
"Boom Boom Room" ----- P2K
"Single Footin'" ----- Jeter Jones (w/ DJ Big Tony)
"Work The Floor" ----- R.J. Scott
"Broke Ass Man" ----- Mr. Sam
"You're My Gold" ---- Joe "Blues" Butler
“C’Mon, C’Mon” ---- Gentry Jones

“I Left My Woman” by Stan Butler

Listen to Stan Butler singing "I Left My Woman" on YouTube.

See Stan's other nominations in Daddy B. Nice's Best of 2017. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide


To automatically link to Stan Butler's charted radio singles, awards, CD's and other references, go to "Butler, Stan" in Daddy B. Nice's Comprehensive Index.


October 14, 2017:

Re-Posted from Daddy B. Nice's New CD Reviews.

October 13, 2017:

STAN BUTLER: The Blues In Me (Stantavio Butler / Stan Butler / CD Baby ) Four Stars **** Distinguished Effort by a New Southern Soul Artist.

I heaped so much praise and excitement on the material Stan Butler released in 2016--a new and novel sound he's now brought together in The Blues In Me--it's hard to recapture the enthusiasm generated last year when the young singer/songwriter from Georgia tore up the southern soul charts with an unprecedented series of singles.

Here are the increments by which Stan Butler made your Daddy B. Nice a fan and believer.

Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------JUNE 2016---------

…2. "Tootie Boot"------Stan Butler

Here's a choice cut from an unknown artist who's never contacted your Daddy B. Nice. Also check out his first official video: "I Took My Grandma To The Club."

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Tootie Boot" on YouTube.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------JULY 2016---------

…5. "Third Of The Month"------Stan Butler

A rhythm guitarist's dream. Extraordinary confidence and expertise from such a neophyte singer/songwriter. Kinda weird, though, a young'un taking up the cause of the social-security crowd. Hope it's not patronization--and I don't think it is.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Third Of The Month" on YouTube.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------SEPTEMBER 2016---------

2. "Take Me To The Bootlegger"------Stan Butler

A true outsider (Georgia) as yet unfamiliar with southern soul's deejay circuit, this young man is the real thing, a writer/performer of great promise, and he's getting better with each new record. This is his third appearance here in four months. "Bootlegger" has the scope and lyricism of a classic.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Take Me To The Bootlegger" on YouTube.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------NOVEMBER 2016-------

1. ”Preacher Was A Home Wrecker”-----Stan Butler

Like the young Bob Dylan, like the young Sir Charles Jones, the young Stan Butler is on an artistic “roll” so pure and unstoppable it’s a joy to behold. I’m not comparing Stan to these greats, just drawing attention to his seemingly inexhaustible creativity, because when I say “on a roll” I mean a song a month, not a song a year. Only a handful of recording artists achieve this kind of sequential inspiration, and only for a brief period.

Listen to Stan Butler singing ”Preacher Was A Home Wrecker” on YouTube.


The unheralded Butler grabbed just about every honor in sight in 2016. He won Daddy B. Nice’s Best Southern Soul Artist Debut of 2016. He placed not just one but two singles on Daddy B. Nice’s Top 25 Songs of 2016: “Bootlegger” and “Third Of The Month”. He was a 2016 nominee for Best Ballad (“Preacher Was A Home Wrecker”), Best Mid-Tempo Song (“Bootlegger”), Best Out-Of-Left-Field Song (“Took My Grandma To The Club”) and two Best Club Songs (“Tootie Boot” and “Third Of The Month”). He was also a 2016 nominee for Best Songwriter and Best Male Vocalist.

So, roughly a year later, the question to ask of The Blues In Me may be this. Do the songs hold up? And does Stan Butler, the artist, abide?

Actually, mid-way through 2017, Butler did send out some additional songs from the album-to-be, two of which, "I Let A Woman Take My Woman From Me" and "Whine It Up," charted here. And I'm not so sure those songs do hold up well.

But as uncertain as I am of their durability, I'm even more convinced that "Tootie Boot" (from the first album), "Bootlegger," "Third Of The Month" and "Preacher Was A Home Wrecker" are solid, hit-worthy records, and the latter three in particular, all from The Blues In Me, future southern soul classics.

And that doesn't even include another classic from the album, a remix of "I Took My Grandma To The Club," which never actually charted here but is without a doubt Butler's signature single and just the kind of crowd-pleasing, novelty hit that has started many an artist's' career.

As to the bigger question--does Butler the recording artist abide?--one has to admit there are flaws. The album's production is inconsistent. Even the sound itself fluctuates from track to track, so that if if you're automatically rolling the album through a second time, you'll be startled by the first bars of the opening track, "Third Of The Month," after the relative softness of the last track, "Took My Grandma To The Club (Remix)".

From a technical perspective, the vocals are rudimentary--Stan often resorts to talking--and even the songwriting (one of the artist's strengths) is raw, one step above your average, on-the-mall busker-with-a-guitar.

But, on another level, that's the point. Getting rid of all the producing artifice. Just a man and his guitar, speaking directly from the gut. You can visualize how each song begins, with Stan strumming some chords and rhythmic tempos. The finished product isn't much more.

That's the kind of simplicity that makes the original Floyd Hamberlin/Will T. version of "Mississippi Boy" better than any of its slicker remakes. In fact, in his plainness and rusticism, Butler resembles another humble backwoods fella from the southern soul world--not at all flashy--Nathaniel Kimble.

Stan flashes a more panoramic brilliance--a tease of what he's capable of--in the synthesized string section and accomplished lead guitar (with an Isley-inspired solo by Ron G.) of "Bootlegger" and the similarly emotive guitar and background singing in "Preacher Was A Home Breaker". These songs are lush by the standards of the bulk of the set.

The Blues In Me is all about elemental rhythms and simple hooks, the bread and butter of popular song. The album's ten songs go by way too fast. And "Third Of The Month," with lyrics about seniors, is the first, best and most representative track. Not because of its subject (although all those things apply), but because of its propulsive rhythm.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Third Of The Month" on YouTube.

Right now your Daddy B. Nice is most fascinated by the only three tracks from the album I haven't heard, or hardly heard, before--"Juke Joint Shack," "I Left My Woman" and "Trust Me, Baby."

Listen to Stan Butler singing "I Left My Woman" on YouTube.

I still haven't bothered to figure out the lyrics to "I Left My Woman (But I Really Didn't Mean To). But no worries. It's the guitar riff and rhythm that has me hooked. Good Ron G. lead & rhythm guitar on this one, too. I'm getting that "new-song" buzz.

--Daddy B. Nice

Sample/Buy Stan Butler's THE BLUES IN ME CD at CD Baby.

Read Daddy B. Nice's Artist Guide to Stan Butler.

****************** - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

July 29, 2017:

New Album Alert!

Sample/Buy Stan Butler's new THE BLUES IN ME album at CD Baby.


1. Third of the Month

2. Who Said The Grass Is Not Greener On The Other Side

3. Juke Joint Shack

4. Whine It Up

5. Preacher Was a Home Wrecker

6. I Left My Woman

7. Take Me to the Bootlegger

8. I Let A Woman Take My Woman

9. Trust Me Baby

10. Took My Grandma to the Club (Remix)

11. Got Me A Country Girl (Bonus Track)

Daddy B. Nice notes:

Southern Soul's prolific BEST DEBUT ARTIST OF 2016 Stan Butler follows up his enticing first album with a second CD showcasing a number of southern soul singles showered upon his audience since then:

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Take Me To The Bootlegger" on YouTube.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "I Let A Woman Take My Woman" on YouTube.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Preacher Was A Home Wrecker" on YouTube.

...and more. In addition, two of the best tracks from BACK TO THE BASICS are included:

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Third Of The Month" on YouTube.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "I Took My Grandma To The Club" on YouTube.

Both poke fun at seniors, and the latter ("Grandma") has become a novelty sensation on YouTube. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

July 29, 2017:

Re-posted from BEST OF 2016


Best Debut:

Top Contenders:

"Make Her Feel It," "Love After Hours"----Tony Tatum
"A.P.B. Out On Her"----Hollywood Hayes
"Shake It"----Ra'Shad The Blues Kid
"Don't Make Me Do It," "Rules To The Game"----Mys. Niki (Nikita)
"No Late Night Booty Call"----Rena Ree
"Them Country Girls," "Country Girl"----Crystal Thomas
"Tootie Boot," "Bootlegger," "Third Of The Month," "Preacher Was A Home Wrecker," "Took My Grandma To The Club"----Stan Butler
"The Thrill Is Gone"----Gene "Poo Poo Man" Anderson
"Stepping Out"----Donna Renae
"You Can Get It," "Shothouse Blues"----Toia Jones
"The Best You Ever Had," "Cowgirl (Remix)," "Role Play," "Pour It Up"----Rosalyn Candy
"If You Need Some," "That Act Right"----Miss Mini
"Catch A Groove (Dancing Shoes)"-----Christopher La'Mont
"I'd Better Leave You Alone"----Summer Wolfe
"Don't Wonna Lose My Baby"----Coupe Deville
"Classy"----Sharnette Hyter

Best Debut: Stan Butler

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Take Me To The Bootlegger" on YouTube. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

--Daddy B. Nice

About Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart!

sFebruary 1, 2017:

Re-Posted from Daddy B. Nice's CD Reviews

January 24, 2017:

STAN BUTLER: Back To Basics (Stantavio Butler / Stan Butler Productions) Four Stars **** Distinguished Effort by a New Southern Soul Artist.

The story of Stan Butler's rise from "a complete unknown" to Daddy B. Nice's Best Southern Soul Debut Of The Year should hearten the spirits of any musical aspirant across the chitlin' circuit. First, as noted in my first charting for Stan Butler in June of 2016, deejays and critics don't just wait for product to come to them. They also beat the bushes in search of that "new thang." That's how, while hacking through the YouTube musical jungle, I came upon...

2. "Tootie Boot"------Stan Butler

Here's another choice cut from an unknown artist who's never contacted your Daddy B. Nice. Also check out his first official video: "I Took My Grandma To The Club."

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Tootie Boot" on YouTube.

Shortly thereafter, still in June, I heard from Stan Butler, and received a package with three or four copies of BACK TO BASICS. I told him I wouldn't review the CD until, at the least, he posted it on CD Baby for distribution. And although declining to interview him (which "Soul Dog" Neal Furr subsequently did a fine job of doing anyway), I told Stan to work on his music--that I only wanted to relate to that. It was the music I wanted to excite me. And, wow, did he come through--three successive singles as follows:

-------JULY 2016---------

5. "Third Of The Month"------ Stan Butler

A rhythm guitarist's dream. Extraordinary confidence and expertise from such a neophyte singer/songwriter. Kinda weird, though, a young'un taking up the cause of the social-security crowd. Hope it's not patronization--and I don't think it is. Profiled this month on Southern Soul Corner With The "Soul Dog" Neal Furr.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Third Of The Month" on YouTube.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------SEPTEMBER 2016---------

2. "Take Me To The Bootlegger"------ Stan Butler

A true outsider (Georgia) as yet unfamiliar with southern soul's deejay circuit, this young man is the real thing, a writer/performer of great promise, and he's getting better with each new record. This is his third appearance here in four months. "Bootlegger" has the scope and lyricism of a classic. Write for service.

Listen to Stan Butler singing "Take Me To The Bootlegger" on YouTube.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------NOVEMBER 2016-------

1. ”Preacher Was A Home Wrecker”-----Stan Butler

Like the young Bob Dylan, like the young Sir Charles Jones, the young Stan Butler is on an artistic “roll” so pure and unstoppable it’s a joy to behold. I’m not comparing Stan to these greats, just drawing attention to his seemingly inexhaustible creativity, because when I say “on a roll” I mean a song a month, not a song a year. Only a handful of recording artists achieve this kind of sequential inspiration, and only for a brief period.

Listen to Stan Butler singing ”Preacher Was A Home Wrecker” on YouTube.

Meanwhile, back at Quent Jackson's Big Baby Studios in the Macon suburbs, where Butler had recorded the tunes for Back To Basics, Stan's growing local profile had landed him a gig as the opening act for a Macon appearance of Cameo, requiring a live band. As with the CD distribution, the necessities of the music business had heeded the call of Stan Butler's talent, not the other way around, and Butler hooked up with a John Mills-managed group called The Unit, performing in front of an audience of three-thousand.

It's not easy to pinpoint the wellspring of Butler's talent. He's a humble-looking and humble-sounding young man, with an average voice (for an R&B star), and production still blemished with amateurish tics and musical spaces crying out for detail. And yet, the talent cannot be denied. It's difficult not to keep listening to a Stan Butler song. Reality, in all its sensory glory, is emoted.

I was anticipating a three-star ("solid") critique for Back To Basics, which Butler finally got around to offering for sale on CD Baby not long ago. After all, it only has two of the songs mentioned above, "Tootie Boot" and "Took My Grandma To The Club." Everything else--the bulk of the great music quoted above--has come since then, making the album almost obsolete before it hits the market. Surely, the next album will be much better--the breakthrough, if you will.

But I came away surprised by Back To Basics. With only seven full tracks, the set yet has a undeniable fullness, and the other five tracks (with the exception of one, "Woman Must Be Cheating," which has the same rhythm track as "Took My Grandma To The Club") are not just throw-away's.

"Respect Your Woman" lacks the definition of a focused songwriter, but "Got Me A Woman" (with Ron G.) is a superb composition, with a melody that sinks the hook and pulls the listener along for five pleasurable minutes.

"Caught Up," too, is a fine piece of songwriting, with an interesting arrangement and the kind of special but somehow still "everyman"-like vocal that we have come to expect from Butler. Listening to "Caught Up," you can make out the song structure Stan would later bring to the spectacular "Preacher Was A Home Wrecker."

"Trust Me, Baby" (featuring Yale), has a chitlin' circuit-friendly couplet:

"Every time I take off my clothes,
You're smelling my drawers."

Butler asks his lover to "let him go" if she "don't trust me no more." A seductive bass line and a rap verse are only two of the musical elements that make the song memorable.

Taken as a whole, and combined with the more well-known "Tootie Boot" and "Took My Grandma To The Club," the songs of BACK TO BASICS constitute a satisfying if short set. Nothing compared to what's coming next from Stan Butler, though. Can hardly wait.

--Daddy B. Nice

Sample/Buy Stan Butler's BACK TO BASICS at CD Baby.




March 16, 2017:

Re-posted from Daddy B. Nice's Mailbag 2016

RE: Thanks For Acknowledging Stan Butler

Good morning Mr. Daddy B. Nice,

We here at Stan Butler's Production would personally like to thank you for acknowledging, and providing favorable comments on Mr. Butler's hard work, and dedication to the music industry. We are really appreciative of your creativity in your efforts as a writer, and commentary. We also truly admire the pieces that you have written over the years and we respect your opinion and hold them in highest regards.

Unfortunately, this business can be cruel and unforgiving at times, but Stan Butler's (Georgia Prince of Blues) persistent, dedication and unyielding determination to present his music all over the world never ends. He walks, sleeps, and lives every moment of his life for music.

Again, we would like to thank you for paying special attention and recognizing all of the 'new artist' in the Southern Soul Blues genre. We are actually trying to extend promotion in other cities and states across the country. If you know of any promoters or agents who are interested in booking shows or any other events in the near future we are available.

Stan Butler's Production

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Thank you. I ran across the BACK TO BASICS CD in my "slush pile" recently, and was surprised to see I received it (3 copies actually) back in June. Why didn't I review it? I generally require at least one retail outlet to send my readers to via a link. I strongly recommend Stan get his CD on CD Baby (very artist-friendly) at the least. It's part of getting in the "game."

Daddy B. Nice

Daddy B. Nice notes: Stan went on to publish his CD on CD Baby, garner a 4-star "Distinguished Effort" Review (see the top of this page) and win "Best Debut by a New Southern Soul Artist" in Daddy B. Nice's Best of 2016 Southern Soul Awards.

Honorary "B" Side

"Take Me To The Bootlegger"

1-5 Star Recommended Tracks
#126 - Third Of The Month by Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart!
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Third Of The Month
CD: Back To Basics
Label: Stantavio Butler / Stan Butler
Sample or Buy
Back To Basics
#126 - Take Me To The Bootlegger by Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart!
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Take Me To The Bootlegger
CD: The Blues In Me
Label: Stantavio Butler / Stan Butler
Sample or Buy
The Blues In Me
#126 - Preacher Was A Home Wrecker by Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart!
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Preacher Was A Home Wrecker
CD: The Blues In Me
Label: Stantavio Butler / Stan Butler
Sample or Buy
The Blues In Me
#126 - Took My Grandma To The Club by Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart!
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Took My Grandma To The Club
CD: Back To Basics
Label: Stantavio Butler / Stan Butler
Sample or Buy
Back To Basics
#126 - Tootie Boot by Stan Butler Catapults to #25 New Southern Soul Chart!
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Tootie Boot
CD: Back To Basics
Label: Stantavio Butler / Stan Butler
Sample or Buy
Back To Basics


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