Daddy B. Nice's

Artist Guide

O. B. Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
#6 ranked Southern Soul Artist

Portrait of O. B. Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good) by Daddy B. Nice

"Let's Get Drunk"

O. B. Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)

Composed by Aaron Weddington, Aubles Buchana & Rusty Batts

January 5, 2025:

Originally published in Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 Singles.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles For. . .

January 2025

1. "Feel So Good"----O.B. Buchana

The supreme irony of this #1-ranked, O.B. anthem with its anchor-strong chorus is that it will instantly remind the ten million fans of the old-man-in-the-bar-conversation in "Take Heed" by young southern soul star Young Guy when in fact, if there had been no past quarter-century of southern soul singing by O.B. Buchana, there would be no Young Guy! Then again, with the indignities that growing older cast upon us all, it's just as possible O.B. did imitate the format of "Take Heed" as the winning path to a hit single. In any case, the legend---the great O.B. Buchana---has his first and well-deserved #1 record in years.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Feel So Good" on YouTube. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

December 10, 2022:


Buy O.B. Buchana's new DIDDIE WAH DIDDIE E.P. at Blues Critic.


1. Remain The Same

2. Leaving You

3. I'm Jody

4. Hide Away Hotel

5. Drinking My Problems Away

Daddy B. Nice notes:

I wish the EP was as amusing as its Diddie Wah Diddie title. This is O.B.'s first long-play not produced by Ecko Records, and although I've been critical of O.B. for the sameness of his sound at Ecko, it's sad to see him actually make his departure (and hopefully the doors will remain open). Something has been lost, and if this EP is any indication, nothing has been gained. This new EP is Buchana-Lite, Buchana-Pop. All except for the Jawon Smith (J-Wonn)-written "Drinking My Problems Away," a Daddy B. Nice Top 25 Songs Of The Year honoree in 2021.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing"Drinking My Problems Away" on YouTube.

"Drinking My Problems Away" is simultaneously vintage and current. Like magic O.B. makes something new out of one of his oldest themes. It's O.B. at his best. But the rest of the E.P. is on a less-inspired level. Opening cut "Remain The Same" has a rhythm track that snaps along in a promising way, but O.B. delivers a "pop" vocal that makes your eyebrows raise. It's even more pronounced in "Leaving You," in which all the vocal mannerisms---the skills that have defined his greatness and that we associate with O.B.'s brand---have all but dissolved. It doesn't help that the songwriting on DIDDIE WAH DIDDIE is weak (with the exception of "Drinking My Problems Away"). The distinguished Omar Cunningham actually wrote
I'm Jody,"
but the way it's produced and the way O.B. sings it, it's easily the most genteel "Jody" song ever recorded. There is no producer listed, and there may be more than one. The cover art says "Diddie Wah Diddie Record Label Dallas Texas".

(After a few more listens...) "Remain The Same" is sounding better as I hear it more. The chorus, however, is like a commercial jingle. From a southern soul perspective, it's discomfiting to hear O.B. reduced to the vocal anonymity of a lounge singer. Even his talking interludes, although helpful in bringing out the real O.B., sound a little forced.

Listen to all the tracks from O.B. Buchan's DIDDIE WAH DIDDIE EP on YouTube.

Buy O.B. Buchan's new DIDDIE WAH DIDDIE EP at Blues Critic.

Buy O.B. Buchana's new DIDDIE WAH DIDDIE album at Apple. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

May 1, 2021:

O.B. Buchana: Southern Soul Brother (Ecko) Three Stars *** Solid. The artist's fans will enjoy.

Along with the buckets of love, I think familiarity does breed contempt. As great and durable an artist as O.B. Buchana is, I get annoyed with him every time he puts out a new album. I feel like I'm pushing for O.B. harder than O.B. is pushing for himself. He's singing the same type of songs in the same old style with the same old instrumental tracks by the same old label of twenty years, Ecko. Imagine if Jeter Jones put out an annual album twenty years in a row with his same producer, Slack. I'd probably feel the same way, and I might even say of Jeter, as I'm tempted to do with O.B., that he's "plateaued," and that he needs to surprise us with something different. But then, as I listen to the tracks again and again, I gradually break down. Differences and nuances do appear. The songs begin to take on shape and substance, and before I know it, I'm starting to warm to it. Such is the process I've gone through once again with Buchana's new CD, Southern Soul Brother.

The album title and title track are taken from the John Cummings song "Memphis Blues Brothers," which I touted as the stand-out tune from the sampler Various Artists (Ecko), Blues Mix 31: Dirty South Soul. (See the review in the right sidebar of New CD Reviews.) O.B.'s version expands the roll call of "southern soul brothers" cited in the lyrics to the entirety of southern soul. I still prefer the relative sweetness of the Cummings original, but it will be interesting to see how the greater southern soul audience (who may not have heard the original) reacts to what may in effect be the first time they heard "Southern Soul Brothers".

"Cruzin'," the gem of a ballad from O.B.'s 2019 Face Down album, comes in for a remix here, adding some whimsical, calypso-like, percussive effects. And in a bid for striking vintage gold, and just a couple of months following a successful Stevie J. Blues rendition of the late J. Blackfoot's and Ann Hines' "Just One Lifetime," O.B. teams up with Lacee on the legendary Blackfoot's "Two Different People".

The first single from the album was released in late April, just in time for Mother's Day, and "Mama You've Been Good" follows in the benign tradition of such maternal eulogies as Sir Charles Jones' "Take Care Of Mama".

Not to be overlooked is the potential "sleeper" from the album, "You Might Have To Hurt". The composition brings out Buchana's finest vocal performance of the set, and the song's refrain---

"You might have to hurt,
But you can hurt and move on."

---is a defining moment, lifting the song (and the album) to the status of an anthem.

Some of the more uptempo numbers---"Bend It Over," "Bet You Got A Good 'Un" and "Tear It Up"---aren't' as successful, actually coming off as more sentimental than the ballads and mid-tempo numbers in spite of their token ribaldry. However, if you're averse to sentiment, O.B. Buchana is probably not meant to be your performer of choice anyway. Southern Soul Brother may not hit on all cylinders---the songwriting is a little too flaccid for that---but the set is a worthwhile addition to the O.B. canon.

Buy O.B. Buchana's "Southern Soul Brother" at Amazon.

Buy O.B. Buchana's new SOUTHERN SOUL BROTHER CD at Apple. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

April 25, 2021:


Buy O.B. Buchana's new SOUTHERN SOUL BROTHER CD at Apple.


Bet U Got a Good Un

Bend It Over

Don't Say Goodbye

Southern Soul Brothers

You Might Have to Hurt

Tear It Up

Two Different People (Feat. Lacee)

Southern Soul Party Line

Just Cruzin (Remix)

Mama You've Been Good

Bend It over (Remix)

Daddy B. Nice notes:

Just in time for Mother's Day 2021, Ecko Records (O.B. Buchana's longtime Memphis label) has released Southern Soul Brother, and the first single is Mama You've Been Good".

The album title and title cut, on the other hand, are taken from a John Cummings song, "Memphis Blues Brothers," which I touted as the stand-out track from the sampler Various Artists (Ecko), Blues Mix 31: Dirty South Soul. (See the review.)

O.B.'s version encompasses a grander scale, expanding the list of singing "brothers" cited in the lyrics to the entirety of southern soul. I still prefer the relative sweetness of the Cummings original, but it will be interesting to see how the greater southern soul audience (who didn't hear the original) reacts to what in effect will be the first time they heard "Southern Soul Brothers".

"Cruzin'," the gem of a ballad from the Face Down album, comes in for a remix here, adding some whimsical elements and calypso-like, percussive effects.

And just a couple of months following a successful Stevie J. rendition of the late J. Blackfoot's and Ann Hines' "Just One Lifetime," O.B. teams up with Lacee on the legendary Blackfoot's "Two Different People".

And watch for "You Might Have To Hurt," which will be discussed in Daddy B. Nice's upcoming CD review. It may be the "sleeper" from the album.

Listen to O.B. Buchana's new SOUTHERN SOUL BROTHER album on Spotify.

Buy O.B. Buchana's "Southern Soul Brother" at Amazon. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Originally posted on Daddy B. Nice's New CD Reviews.

May 12, 2019:

O.B. BUCHANA: Face Down (Ecko) Four Stars **** Distinguished effort. Should please old fans and gain new.

The first draft of this review started out as a 3-star rating. I noted that Parking Lot Love Affair, O.B.'s 2018 album, received a five-star ranking, while Face Down, O.B.'s new 2019 offering, disappointed by comparison.

At first I fixated negatively on the introductory song. Too often the sole function of the opening tracks of Ecko albums seems to be pleasing everyone, i.e. alienating no one, treading water musically speaking until the "meat" of the album, and as a result satisfying no one. "I Need a Drink" is such a track, with a jingle for a melody and a tempo so familiar to Ecko devotees they may have an impulse to send it sailing frisbee-style at the opposite wall.

Nor did the title track "Face Down," inspire any allegiance. Whether you really liked "Parking Lot Love Affair" as a song or not, you couldn't deny O.B. was into it, vocally-speaking. But with only a nifty bass line to recommend it, this album's title track is a negligible funk exercise sounding like some never-used Bar-Kays B-side, with a sprinkling of lounge-jazz.

In his inimitable way O.B. tries to vocalize, but like a caged dove he's held down by the B-side, disco-ey structure of the piece. At heart, "Face Down" lacks a good hook and chorus, and how it wound up as the "face" of the album is a puzzle because none of the reasons you love Buchana--the country gigantism, the free-flowing passion, the eye-winking jocularity--exist in it. They're reserved for "Just Cruzin'," the fabulous cruising song about which more in a minute.

A funny thing happened on the way to posting that three-star ranking. Are the two albums (Parking Lot Love Affair and Face Down) actually that different? (I asked myself). Each had two #1 or near-#1 singles preceding their reviews. Parking Lot Love Affair had its title track and "The Mule," but FACE DOWN also has a #1 and #2 pair of singles to recommend it.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------MAY 2019-------
1. "Just Cruzin'"-----O.B. Buchana

Another great, nostalgia-steeped, summer-driving song in the musical lineage of the Young Rascals' "Groovin'," from O.B.'s fresh-sounding new album, Face Down. "Just cruzin' down in Mississippi/...With the southern soul wind blowing on me."

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Just Cruzin'" on YouTube.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------JANUARY 2019-------

2. "Whipped Again"------O.B. Buchana & Big Pokey Bear

I’m encouraged when old stars (Buchana) mingle with new stars (Pokey Bear). It gives continuity to the music, bestowing legitimacy on the new star and sprinkling relevance like fairy dust on the old star.

Listen to O.B. & Pokey singing "Whipped Again" on YouTube.


And make no mistake. Some--much--of Face Down the album is very good. I haven't encountered any "humping" in music since the "Humpty Dance." (Now there was some good funk--overlaid with rap.) So the oddly-titled "I Hump It" still seems a little obscene, which seems ridiculous when you consider every other salacious act incorporated into southern soul. Also, there's another song out this month called "Humping" by a new artist named Carlos G., so maybe "humping" constitutes a trend, a new catch phrase for southern soul lyrics. O.B.'s "I Hump It" is likely the best melody in the set, and it was while listening to it and "My Outside Woman" that I knew I had initially under-valued this CD.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing"I Hump It" on YouTube.

"Zydeco Lady" is done twice, although the James Jackson/John Ward composition doesn't really deserve a redo. One of the most amusing touches on the album, however, is the vocally-enhanced Buchana on the "Zydeco Lady Club Mix".

As you may have guessed by now, the album is a buffet of genres and sub-genres. You have funk ("Face Down"), stepping ("Step 'Till The Morning Light"), mid-tempo southern soul ("My Baby Is A Sweet Thang," "Hot Doggin', Cold Lovin'"), cruising ("Just Cruzin'") zydeco ("Zydeco Lady"), and even the new Baton Rouge sound ("My Outside Woman" with Beat Flippa and "I'm Whipped Again" with Pokey Bear).

The addition of Beat Flippa unites the two most prolific southern soul producers of the last five years--John Ward and Daniel Ross--on the same album, and the unmistakable sound of Beat Flippa's organ-styled keyboards on "My Outside Woman" sounds great.

Finally, "Step Till The Morning Light" may be the best stepping song produced by Ecko Records since Donnie Ray's "Who's Rocking You?" O.B. crushes the vocal, and the production by John Ward is perfect.

So by my count there are at least four tunes on this album--maybe five--that Buchana fans will not want to do without: "Whipped Again," "Just Cruzin'," "I Hump It," "My Outside Woman" and "My Baby Is A Sweet Thang". That's definitely four-star territory. And "Just Cruzin'"? It's one for the ages. The instrumental is Ecko at its best, and if you want to introduce a friend to O.B. Buchana, there's no better place to start. Just think of the light that will come over his or her face as he/she listens.

--Daddy B. Nice

Buy O.B. Buchana's new FACE DOWN CD at Amazon.

Buy O.B. Buchana's new FACE DOWN CD at iTunes.

Instantly link to the many references and citations to O.B. Buchana throughout the website.

Browse through all of O.B. Buchana's CD's.

Read Daddy B. Nice's Artist Guide to O.B. Buchana. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

April 21, 2019:

New Album Alert!

Sample/Buy O.B. Buchana's new FACE DOWN album at iTunes.


I Need a Drink

My Outside Woman

Face Down

Step Till the Morning Light

My Baby is a Sweet Thang

Just Cruzin'

I'm Whipped Again (with Big Pokey Bear)

I Hump It

Hot Doggin' Cold Lovin'

Zydeco Lady

Zydeco Lady (Club Mix)

Daddy B. Nice notes:

The title track, "Face Down," features a bass line straight out of the chronicles of funk, with lyrics extolling either doggy-style or slurpie-style--not sure which as yet. Interesting tracks include the "Groovin'"-like "Just Cruzin'," "Zydeco Lady (Club Mix)" and the ornate stepping ballad, "Step Till The Morning Light". The mid-tempo "I Hump It" has a classic sheen that recalls Donnie Ray's "Who's Rockin' You?" Originally featured on Ecko Records' Blues Mix 27, "I'm Whipped Again," O.B.'s catchy duet with Pokey Bear, with great John Ward backing guitar, is a stand-out. It first charted here in...

Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------JANUARY 2019-------

2. "Whipped Again"------O.B. Buchana & Big Pokey Bear

I’m encouraged when old stars (Buchana) mingle with new stars (Pokey Bear). It gives continuity to the music, bestowing legitimacy on the new star and sprinkling relevance like fairy dust on the old star. Also can't say enough about the crisp but charmingly modest production on both "Down Low Brother" and "Whipped Again" by John Ward; you wouldn't know either one was an Ecko project. From the Memphis studio's new sampler, Blues Mix Volume 27.

Listen to O.B. & Pokey singing "Whipped Again" on YouTube.

Listen to all the tracks from O.B. Buchana's new FACE DOWN album on YouTube.

Buy O.B. Buchana's new FACE DOWN album at Barnes & Noble.

Buy O.B. Buchana's new FACE DOWN CD at Apple.

Browse all of O.B. Buchana's CD's in Daddy B. Nice's CD Store.

O.B. Buchana: 2018 Multi-Award Winner

See Daddy B. Nice's Comprehensive Index! - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

February 12, 2019: Originally posted on Daddy B. Nice's Best Of 2018 page.

January 26, 2018:

Daddy B. Nice Announces THE WINNERS of the 2018 (12th Annual) SOUTHERN SOUL MUSIC AWARDS.

Best Club Song


"Mr. Ain't Gone Do Right"----Carolyn Staten
"The Mule"----O.B. Buchana
"Mississippi Lit"----Chris Ivy
"Swing Out With Me"----Ms. Innocents feat. Mr. Cotton & Uncle Phunk
"Sweet Dick Johnny"----Johnny James, Highway Heavy
"Southern Soul Bounce"----Ms. Jody
"Rodeo"----Miss Lady Blues
"I Ain't Gone Cheat No More"----Jeter Jones
"I'll Do Me A Big Girl"----David Brinston, Lucky Love
"Pokey At The Trailride"----Pokey Bear (w/ The Deaconaires)
"Wanna Party"----Solomon Thompson
"Step It Out"----Sir Charles Jones, Prince Damons

Best Club Song: "The Mule" by O.B. Buchana

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "The Mule" on YouTube. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

April 8, 2018: New CD Review! April 8, 2018:

O.B. BUCHANA: Parking Lot Love Affair (Ecko Records) Five Stars ***** Can't Miss. Pure Southern Soul Heaven.

Fourteen albums and counting, all on Ecko Records (not counting his early Paula/Suzie Q releases). Is it any wonder that O.B. Buchana, popping out CD's at the rate of one a year over two decades, experiences inevitable swings--ups and downs, hills and valleys? Oh, and by the way, that's more than double the album releases of superstar competitors T.K. Soul and Sir Charles Jones. O.B. Buchana is the most prolific southern soul artist of his generation.

See Daddy B. Nice's New CD Reviews.

April 1, 2018:

New Album Alert! Chart-Climber! O.B. Buchana Rises from #9 to #6 on...

Daddy B. Nice's Top 100 21st Century Southern Soul Artists!

See the chart!

Buy O.B. Buchana's new PARKING LOT LOVE AFFAIR album at Amazon.

Buy O.B. Buchana's new PARKING LOT LOVE AFFAIR album at iTunes.


I Wanna Get with You

Parking Lot Love Affair

Teach Me How to Swing

Goody Good Good Stuff

Jam on with Me

Get on Up

Keep on Rollin'

Teach Me How to Swing (Remix)

Las Vegas Mississippi

The Mule

Daddy B. Nice notes:

Great bounce-back for O.B. after 2017's middlin' SWING ON WITH O.B. album.

From Daddy B. Nice's Corner:

Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------FEBRUARY 2018-------

1. "Parking Lot Love Affair"-----O.B. Buchana

Who hasn't run into a stranger in a mall, been too bashful to approach, and later regretted it, sometimes remembering the stranger for years afterward? "Parking Lot Love Affair" is a universal fantasy and a giant step into a new frontier for southern soul's master stylist. O.B. puts everything into it: immediacy, a staggeringly-forceful vocal, a fan-friendly concept, great songwriting and, most prominently, all of himself, nothing held back.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Parking Lot Love Affair" on YouTube.


Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles Preview For. . .

-------MARCH 2018-------

1. "The Mule"------O.B. Buchana

I prefer O.B. as the stud of "The Mule," brimming with swagger and sexuality, to the tentative, would-be dancer of "Teach Me How To Swing," another song featured twice on Buchana's new Parking Lot Love Affair album. "The Mule's" rhythm section slinks along like a giant king snake while the Bootsy Collins-style guitar distortion blends with the falsetto background-singing of Latoya Malone to make a new and fiery sound. O.B. hits #1 for the second month in a row.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "The Mule" on YouTube. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide


Note: O. B. Buchana also appears on Daddy B. Nice's original Top 100 Southern Soul Artists (90's-00's). The "21st Century" after O. B. Buchana's name in the headline is to distinguish his artist-guide entries on this page from his artist-guide page on Daddy B. Nice's original chart.


To automatically link to O.B. Buchana's charted radio singles, awards, CD's and other citations and references on the website, go to "Buchana, O.B." in Daddy B. Nice's Comprehensive Index.

*********** - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide


Listen to an updated version--not quite as mesmerizing as the original but still worthy--of O.B. Buchana singing "Let's Get Drunk" on YouTube.

Daddy B. Nice notes:

Like Will T.'s original "Mississippi Boy," the original version of O.B. Buchana's "Let's Get Drunk" has been taken down from all streaming sources (YouTube, MySpace, etc.) due to multiple copyright infringement requests. It is also out-of-print and commercially unavailable, making it apparently lost forever to present and future Southern Soul fans, who will never get to hear it. The instrumental track, not the vocal, is what's different, adding a cloying--and annoying to a traditionalist--"horn" riff while deleting the original's sexy, sinuous keyboard riff and more dominant bass.

Daddy B. Nice's Updated Profile of O.B. Buchana

June 8, 2013:

One of the hardest-working and unflaggingly consistent performers in the Delta, O. B. Buchana has purveyed his status as a young and rising R&B vocalist into an undisputed spot among the top ten artists of 21st Century Southern Soul. No younger-generation artist, with the possible exception of Sir Charles Jones, has embraced the Southern Soul genre and its lifestyle, trappings and identity more than the XL-sized singer from Clarksdale, Mississippi.

And no younger-generation singer has molded a more distinctive and certifiably chitlin'-circuit-steeped vocal style than the one-of-a-kind O.B. In his song "I'm Goin' Back Home," Buchana recounts a flirtation with leaving the Delta:

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "I'm Going Back Home" on YouTube.

"I made a trip up North
To visit some of my friends.
They said, 'O. B.,
You ought to move up here
Because the good times never end.'

I must admit I thought about it
For a day or two,
But then I came to a conclusion
That this I just can't do.

Then I told my friend,
I said, 'Fella, I can make this my home,
But there's just one reason I won't,
Because there's just one thing wrong.
You all don't have any Southern Soul music
When I turn on my radio.
All I hear is hiphop,
Country, talk shows and rock.

Tell me what a man's gonna do
When he can't hear no down-home blues.
So I told my friends,
'Fellas, I'm goin' back home.'"

There's not a young Southern Soul performer--including Sir Charles Jones and T. K. Soul--who can deliver these lyrics with the authority of O. B. Buchana.

Buchana's vocal style is so original--some might say idiosyncratic--it's hard to puzzle out its influences. There's a little of Ray Charles' whiplash-like enunciation of key phrases. There's a strain of Tyrone Davis's unabashedly casual country tone. There's a healthy sprinkling of Bobby Rush's intransigent irreverence.

But there is no one artist in whose shadow Buchana resides. O. B. has carved out an artistic niche all his own. In fact, O. B. is now an influence on an even younger generation of musicians--Jaye Hammer, for example.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Back Up Lover" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Let's Get Drunk" on YouTube.

--Daddy B. Nice

About O. B. Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)

Born in Mound Bayou, Mississippi, O. B. Buchana spent his formative years in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Buchana began singing gospel as a child and became the lead singer of the gospel aggregation The Mighty Suns of God as a teenager.

He arrived on the chitlin' circuit scene in 1999 with the release of the single "Back Up Lover" and the LP It's Over (Paula/Susquehanna, 1999). "Back Up Lover" quickly became a staple of Deep South deejay rotations and earned a permanent niche in the Southern Soul catalog. Chuck Roberson covered the song in 1999.

Suzie Q. Records (overseen by Stan & Lenny Lewis of Shreveport, Louisiana) added Buchana to its roster of up-and-coming artists (David Brinston, Maurice Wynn, etc.) in 2001, issuing the LP I Got Caught. "Let's Get Drunk," the lead track from the album, drew immediate and fervent response, marking yet another advance for this promising vocalist and soul traditionalist. "Back Door 'Tipper'" and "Love Hurts" also became solid hits on chitlin' circuit radio stations.

As Suzie Q foundered, Buchana went through a fallow period until John Ward at Memphis's Ecko Records signed the artist. His first LP for the label was Shake What You Got (2004), with the singles "Both In The Wrong," "That's My Bad," and "Booty Scoot" charting on Southern Soul radio.

With the aging, departures and passing of such 90's label stalwarts as Quinn Golden, Charles Wilson and Carl Sims, O. B. Buchana arguably became Ecko Records' flagship artist over the next decade, releasing roughly an album's worth of bona fide Southern Soul material annually--songs that contributed to defining the genre in the 21st century.

They included:

O. B. Buchana Discography

1999 It's Over (Suzie Q/Paula)

2001 I Got Caught (Suzie Q/Blues River)

2004 Shake What You Got (Ecko)

2005 I Can't Stop Drinkin' (Ecko)

2006 I'm Gonna Sleep (Ecko)

2007 Goin' Back Home (Ecko)

2008 It's Christmas, Baby (Ecko)

2008 Southern Soul Country Boy (Ecko)

2009 Back Up Lover (Ecko)

2009 It's My Time (Ecko)

2010 That Thang Thang (Ecko)

2012 Let Me Knock The Dust Off (Ecko)

2013 Starting All Over (Ecko)

2014 Pop Yo Bottle (Ecko)

2015 Mississippi Folks (Ecko)

2017 Swing On With O.B. (Ecko)

2018 Parking Lot Love Affair (Ecko)

To read Daddy B. Nice's contemporaneous reportage and opinion of many of these albums and songs, including...

I Can't Stop Drinkin'

I'm Gonna Sleep


Goin' Back Home

... go to Daddy B. Nice's Original Artist Guide to O. B. Buchana and scroll down to the "Tidbits" section.

Scrolling further in the "Tidbits" section, you will find detailed, contemporaneous CD reviews of....

Southern Soul Country Boy

It's My Time

That Thang Thang


Let Me Knock The Dust Off

Go to Daddy B. Nice's Original Artist Guide to O. B. Buchana and scroll down to the "Tidbits" section to read the reviews.



June 8, 2013: O. B. Buchana on YouTube

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "I Can't Choose (Between The Two)" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "I Owe Everybody" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "We Don't Get Along Till We Gettin' It On" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchan singing "Bang That Thang" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Clarksdale, Mississippi" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Just Because He's Good To You" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "You're Just Playing With It" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Back Up Lover" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "It's My Time" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing a medley of his songs live onstage on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "I'm Goin' Back Home" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Put Yo Foot In It" Live Onstage with Mr. Sam on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "I Want Both Of You" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "It's Over" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Just Be A Man About It" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Knock Three Times" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "Two Steps Behind" on YouTube.

Listen to O. B. Buchana singing "It Don't Have To Be That Way" on YouTube.



June 8, 2013: NEW CD ALERT

Sample/Buy O. B. Buchana's new STARTING ALL OVER CD.

Recommended Singles: "I'm Rowdy Rowdy," "Just Can't Get Her Off Of My Mind" (with Sir Charles Jones)

Read Daddy B. Nice's new 5-star review of O. B. Buchana's STARTING ALL OVER CD.

See Daddy B. Nice's #2 "Breaking" Southern Soul Single for June 2013, "Starting All Over" by O. B. Buchana.



February 16, 2014:

Daddy B. Nice's CD Review of O.B. Buchana's STARTING ALL OVER is now posted on this page. Scroll down to "Tidbits #4."



February 16, 2014:

Re-posted from Daddy B. Nice's New CD Reviews:

June 15, 2013:

O. B. BUCHANA: Starting All Over (Ecko) Five Stars ***** Can't Miss. Pure Southern Soul Heaven.

Larry Chambers from Ecko Records sent a note citing O. B. Buchana's new album as "his best in years," and your Daddy B. Nice couldn't agree more. Even those fans who have grown skeptical of O.B.'s annual product will be pleasantly surprised by Starting All Over. The singing is energetic and focused, the song selection is the best in memory, and the arrangements are crisp and different from one another.

I think anyone who knows anything about southern soul gives O. B. his due. He's carved out a huge corner of Southern Soul musical territory with his spectacularly-rural vocals and his fearlessly-carnal lyrics. I recently did a piece on a young singer/songwriter from Clarksdale, Mississippi (O. B.'s hometown), and I was surprised when he cited someone else--not O.B.--as his "biggest influence," because without O. B.'s music and O. B's success this young performer's music probably wouldn't exist.

Having said that, most of us would admit that O.B. isn't usually the first music we'd pull out to impress someone completely unacquainted with Southern Soul. The highest praise I can give this new O. B. album is that I'd offer it to any stranger as an example of how infectious and uplifting true southern soul music is.

The set begins with "Let's Go Dancing," a prototypical lead-off track with snappy arranging, solid singing and a bizarre but appealing little novelty sound inserted incongruously into each line of verse, like a little mouse scurrying across the floor.

Next up is one of the album's standouts (and in most markets the second single), a duet with Sir Charles Jones titled "Can't Get You Off My Mind," anchored by a cozy, mid-sixties-rock-and-roll keyboard. Charles is in top vocal form, as is O. B.

"I'm Rowdy Rowdy," written by "Let's Get Drunk" co-composer Aubles Buchana, received the nod as first radio single. "Rowdy" is a Buchana anthem in the mold of "You're Just Playin' With It," arranged and mixed with meticulous care in spite of its apparent spontaneity.

One of four William Norris (aka performer Sonny Mack) compositions on the disc, title-track "Starting All Over" is a majestic ballad in the tradition of "Southern Soul Country Boy" and other robust Buchana ballads. Taken as a piece, this opening quartet of songs is about as flawless as O. B. has ever done.

Penned by Ecko veteran Raymond Moore, one of Buchana's most dependable writers over the last decade (and author of the opening track), "Dream Lover" is nevertheless further evidence that Moore's composing star has gradually dimmed recently, hampered by sameness and lack of dimension.

But another Norris tune, "I Was Searching," a charismatic, briskly-tempo-ed rocker sung with the nasty conviction we expect from O. B. at his best, almost immediately returns the set to head-turning tunefulness.

And "Another Blues Man From Clarksdale," written by John Cummings and John Ward, is the latest in O. B.'s heartfelt and masterful eulogies to his hometown, blues hub Clarksdale, Mississippi.

"You Do It Right," a so-so, mid-tempo tune written by Gerod Rayburn, segues into another fine Norris ballad, "You Said," which in turn defers to the final track, a truly inspired selection based on the gospel-drenched oldie--

Listen to Doc McKenzie & the Hi-Lites singing "Hold On To What You Got" on YouTube.

--O. B., who should do more of these covers of great songs (remember his cover of Bobby Womack's "I Wish He Didn't Trust Me So Much"?), sounds like the best vocalist--bar none--in Southern Soul music.

What this album reiterates is that O. B. is a brilliant singer, only dependent upon focus and first-rate material. Starting All Over showcases O. B. with re-engaged soul and strength to match and is highly recommended.

--Daddy B. Nice

Sample/Buy O. B. Buchana's new STARTING ALL OVER CD.

Read Daddy B. Nice's new 21st-Century Countdown Artist Guide to O. B. Buchana.

O. B. Buchana's STARTING ALL OVER on iTunes.



June 28, 2014: NEW ALBUM ALERT!

Slicked-up and resplendent on the record cover with a Lucifer goatee, matching earrings and a wry, "got-a-buzz-on" smile, O.B. for the first time looks sophisticated.
(From Daddy B. Nice's upcoming CD review.)

7-7-14 Update: Read Daddy B. Nice's new CD review of O.B. Buchana's POP YO' BOTTLE.


Sample/Buy O.B. Buchana's Pop Yo Bottle CD.

First promotional single: "Turn It Up"

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Turn It Up" on YouTube.

Daddy B. Nice also recommends:

"O.B. Shuffle"

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "O.B. Shuffle" on YouTube.

See Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 Southern Soul Singles Review: July 2014.

"It Should Have Been Me"

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "It Should Have Been Me" on YouTube.

"You're Welcome To The Party"

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "You're Welcome To The Party" on YouTube.




July 7, 2014:

O.B. BUCHANA: Pop Yo' Bottle (Ecko) Four Stars **** Distinguished effort. Should please old fans and gain new.

Resplendent on the record cover of his new CD, Pop Yo' Bottle, with a Lucifer goatee, matching earrings and a wry "got-a-buzz-on" smile, O.B. for the first time looks truly sophisticated.

O.B. has become more sophisticated when it comes to song selection, too. Having utilized composer William Norris (aka performer Sonny Mack) for his last two, well-received CD's--six songs from Knock The Dust Off and three songs, including the title tune, from Starting All Over--Buchana again goes to the well, so to speak, drawing up no less than four typically-steamy Norris tracks, some co-written with O.B.:

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Party On The Weekend" on YouTube.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Private Party" on YouTube.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Pop Yo' Bottle" on YouTube.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "What's The Deal" on YouTube.

Gerod Rayburn, another "frequent contributor" to the Buchana catalog, tallies two tracks: the Brook Benton-ish ballad "We Can't Just Leave Each Other Alone" and the peppy, vaguely O'Jays-like "Turn It Up," the first single from the album.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "We Can't Just Leave Each Other Alone" on YouTube.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Turn It Up" on YouTube.

O.B. has a hand in quite a few of the composing credits, and John Ward shows up as co-writer on many of the songs, most prominently the catchy, "Ms. Jody's Thang"-like "O.B. Shuffle."

See Daddy B. Nice's #5 "Breaking" Southern Soul Singles Review for July 2014 ("O.B. Shuffle" by O.B. Buchana).

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "O.B. Shuffle" on YouTube.

Two of the most defining tunes on the set, however, are by intriguing newcomers, Henderson Thigpen with the very groovy and hooky "You're Welcome To The Party" (John Ward also contributes) and Lee Gibbs with the meditative and winsome "It Should Have Been Me."

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "You're Welcome To The Party" on YouTube.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "It Should Have Been Me" on YouTube.

And while we're at it, let's celebrate O.B.'s astounding consistency. Yes, some predictability accrues with the big man's unflagging productivity over the last dozen years, but no younger-generation southern soul artist has put out more music. That's deserving of a ton of respect.

--Daddy B. Nice

Sample/Buy O.B. Buchana's Pop Yo' Bottle CD. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide


August 7, 2016: Re-Posted from Daddy B. Nice's CD Reviews

November 17, 2015:

O.B. BUCHANA: Mississippi Folks (Ecko) Four Stars **** Distinguished effort. Should please old fans and gain new.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Swing On" while you read.

You know what they say. Be careful what you wish for. They'll be puzzling over this O.B. Buchana album years from now--an old-fashioned, all-you-can-eat buffet of styles, a departure from most everything he's ever done. It's as if O.B. (one of the premier stylists in southern soul music) said, "To hell with it! Let's do a bunch of weird and innovative stuff and see what sticks." Your Daddy B. Nice has been nagging O.B. for years to do just that, but now that he has, I'm taken aback.

"Ghetto Funk" is a hoot. The first time I heard this on the radio and the deejay said "O.B. Buchana" I just about spilled my coffee. And then I thought, "It must be something he did before the Suzie Q days." And then, when I got my promotional copy, I couldn't listen to it until forced to do so by this review.

People ask me, "Why are you so hard on funk?" I like funk. Here's the thing about funk. It permeates all R&B, from rap to mainstream. It's the sea we've been swimming in for thirty, forty, is-it-fifty?-some years. If you want to hear funk, you can turn on any music station anywhere in America, other than country. If the Eskimos have 327 words for "snow," the black musical community and audience must have 327 meanings and sub-genres for the word "funk." Funk is the "retro" music, as far as your Daddy B. Nice is concerned. Southern soul music is the "new." So why do southern soul artists want to pollute the pure southern soul "air" we oxygen-deprived fans crave with the funk that we're already swimming in, up to our necks?

The response on the chitlin' circuit seems to bear this out. A quick flirtation with playing "Ghetto Funk" (perhaps because it's the first cut on the disc) dissolved quickly at most radio stations, and Ecko has wisely packaged a new single, "Swing On," for promotion. The well-produced, mid-tempo "Swing On" boasts compelling verses in the vein of Bigg Robb's recent "Good Good," but a vanilla ( almost nerdy) chorus sabotages its potential. It may be the least "swinging" use of the phrase "swing on" in memory, with the background vocalists singing the long notes of "Swing on..." while O.B. embroiders vocally in the spaces.

And maybe your Daddy B. Nice is just in a bad mood from "Mississippi Boy" Charles Wilson taking down "Mississippi Boy" Will T.'s/Floyd Hamberlin's original classic (first published on Wilson's IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT CD as a "bonus track") from YouTube recently, but O.B.'s "Mississippi Folks"--based on the same "Mississippi Boy"--can also run but not hide from criticism.

O.B.'s is the hardest-edged version yet of the oft-recorded anthem, which let me remind everyone was the lightest, loveliest, loosest, humblest tune imaginable. O.B. ratchets up the percussive emphasis on the chords, out-banging even Denise LaSalle's version, consigning the scruffy charm and soulfulness of the original to a distant memory.

So why the four-star, "distinguished effort" rating for "Mississippi Folks?" It's because the variety of this collection ultimately pays off. Buchana albums, although always professional, often suffer from a track-to-track sameness. For example, in a conversation about programming in southern soul music recently, a fan told your Daddy B. Nice that he didn't "get bothered about programming" unless he "tried to listen to an O.B. Buchana or Ms. Jody album all the way through."

This CD successfully breaks that mold and opens up the boundaries of Buchana's sound. You may not realize it until you've heard the entire set a couple of times. The production by John Ward is like a fresh breeze blowing through a still, sultry day, and I found myself going back to the liner credits to see if, in fact, the same Ecko house writers (John Ward, Raymond Moore, Henderson Thigpen, William Norris, Rick Lawson, etc.) who usually provide Buchana with his material had been replaced with a new batch of tune-smiths, but it's the same old gang, only with a new, not-afraid-to-be-experimental approach.

Henderson Thigpen's contributions are especially eye-opening, encompassing every conceivable variety, from the buoyant steel drums and calypso accents of "Tip It Up" to the lyrical poignancy of "Tasty Girl." A slow-version remix of "Tasty Girl," although not as impressive technically, is even better, O.B.'s lead vocal shot through with an underlying genuineness that recalls T.K. Soul's "Try Me."

"Rooster Rooster Guinea Guinea," a Lawson tune and seeming "B-side," resounds with the same, humble authenticity, and this time the "white"-sounding background singers sound passionate and apropos.

"Getting You Ready For Me," "If We Steal Away," "Body Drain" and the quasi-country "You Don't Want A Good Man" are seemingly typical O.B. Buchana fare, but they also benefit from the album's expanded scope.

With choices in material and execution so interesting and different, O.B.'s vocals themselves achieve an unexpected element of suspense, and O.B. rolls with it. He sounds like he's having fun--Admittedly, even on "Ghetto Funk. The annual Buchana blockbuster may be absent, but as an album and a musical experience you can listen to "all the way through," MISSISSIPPI FOLKS begs to be inserted into your latest musical device.

--Daddy B. Nice

Sample/Buy O.B. Buchana's MISSISSIPPI FOLKS CD at iTunes.

More YouTube

July 29, 2017:

Watch hot new video of O.B. Buchana Live Onstage singing "Mississippi Boy" on YouTube.

....and, from the same concert, O.B. segueing from "Mr. Jody" into "Back Up Lover" Live Onstage.



Re-posted from Daddy B. Nice's New CD Reviews:

April 10, 2017:

O.B. BUCHANA: Swing On With O.B. (Ecko Records) Two Stars ** Dubious. Not much here.

The "young guns" of southern soul from 15-20 years ago--Sir Charles Jones, T.K. Soul, O.B. Buchana--are now the veterans of the chitlin' circuit, the recognized headliners and role models for a new generation of southern blues artists. As such, they now find themselves in the unaccustomed role of having to re-invent themselves to remain relevant. No longer are they working in the scorched earth left by the passing of Bobby "Blue" Bland, Johnnie Taylor and Tyrone Davis. Competition is everywhere, with talented young artists streaming into southern soul from the worlds of hiphop and urban R&B.

In O.B. Buchana's case, the mid-career transition appeared to be in full progress. His last album, Mississippi Folks, was a showcase of innovation, with stylistic tweaks and turns in neck-bending tunes like "Tasty Girl," "Tip It Up" and "Rooster Rooster Guinea Guinea." There were some flops, too--notably "Ghetto Funk"--but when O.B. released the beguiling, zydeco-tinged single "Why Can't I Be Your Lover" in 2016, all signs pointed to a full-blown, mid-career renaissance.

See Daddy B. Nice's BEST OF 2016: Best Mid-Tempo Song: "Why Can't I Be Your Lover?" by O.B. Buchana.

"Southern Soul's premier stylist has done the near-impossible: re-invented himself and his vocal style. With its sweet soul energy, its country flavor, its button accordion phrasing and classic guitar coda, "Why Can't I Be Your Lover?" deserves to be #1 on every popular music platform in America."

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Why Can't I Be Your Lover?" on YouTube.

So it is with surprise and disappointment I must report that O.B.'s new album, SWING ON WITH O.B., with "Why Can't I Be Your Lover?" buried in the middle of a bunch of yawn-inducing material, is a throw-back album in the worst sense of the word, a set in which O.B. turns his back on anything approaching renewal, experimentation or originality.

There is good music on this album-—but only about four tracks: the ballad “You’re The One, Baby,” an old-fashioned duet with Lomax...

...“It’s Booty Shaking Time” (O.B.’s “something-like” version of “Ms. Jody’s Thang”)...

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "It's Booty Shaking Time" on YouTube.

...and “Swing On (Remix),” a modest remake of the signature song from O.B.'s last CD. But with the exception of “Why Can’t I Be Your Lover?”, even these songs stand out only because the remainder of the album is so vanilla.

“Good And Grown Lovin'” is a prime example of everything that's wrong with this CD. The lyrics are fine, accessible and welcome; it’s the music that’s undeserving. The song has little if any melody, and what melody it has is cliché-ridden. O.B.’s already recorded dozens of songs in this vein, and you listen with increasing irritation as chorus follows stanza without an iota of anything new or novel.

“There’s A Right Way To Do Wrong” is more of the same. The lyrics are interesting-—at least for devotees of southern soul--and the tune features a stouter tempo, a more spirited rhythm section and an engaged vocal by O.B. But, like the sleep-inducing "I Like The Way You Swing," it's about as much fun to listen to as watching paint dry.

"They Were Gone," which the southern soul writer David Whiteis compared in a recent Mailbag letter to Dion's "Abraham, Martin, and John," is yet another in the getting-tiresome "tribute songs" to Johnnie Taylor et. al. Over time (and a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then), these "commemorations" take on--even if unintentionally--a subtle, self-congratulatory aspect: "My old friend Marvin..." My old friend "Mel...", etc.

So nonplussed was I by the mundane sounds on this album, I actually went back into my library and pulled out three O.B. albums at random from the past--I'M GONNA SLEEP, GOIN' BACK HOME and SOUTHERN SOUL COUNTRY BOY--to see if I could find evidence of this album's recycling. Then I played songs from the new album on one stereo system while simultaneously playing old songs on another (playing the 1's and 2's).

The three albums I picked, by the way, were of varying quality. Probably the worst, except for the iconic title tune, was GOIN' BACK HOME. The "middlin'" album, with durable tracks like "You're Just Playing With It" and "Just Because He's Good To You," was SOUTHERN SOUL COUNTRY BOY. And the best, a veritable masterpiece, was I'M GONNA SLEEP. This was the album that featured three Luther Lackey tunes, "You Can Be A Fool And Don't Know It," "Like My Woman" and "Clarksdale, Mississippi," in addition to the Aubles Buchana treat "Knock Three Times" and the John Cummings anthem, "I Owe Everybody" (which happens to be an exceptional "tribute" song).

Four of those tunes, incidentally, constitute the opening four tracks of I'M GONNA SLEEP, a brilliant sequence that would have helped make SWING ON WITH O.B. a better CD: that is, putting the four strongest tracks at the front end of the set for optimal momentum rather than interspersing and suffocating them in filler.

Sure enough, I found consistently similar rhythm tracks, time signatures, keys and melodies--in some cases, being able to play both tracks over one another. "I Was There For You" and "I'm Gonna Sleep With It In It" from I'M GONNA SLEEP matched "There's A Right Way To Do Wrong" and "The Last Dance" from SWING ON WITH O.B. "Sweet Memories" and "This Party Is A Mutha" from SOUTHERN SOUL COUNTRY BOY sounded like "Until Next Time" and "Freak In The Sheets" from SWING ON WITH O.B. And "Booty Mover" and "Come And Get It While He's Gone" (not to mention "Lollipop Man") from GOIN' BACK HOME were rough iterations of "There's A Right Way To Do Wrong" and "Good And Grown Loving" from the new set.

In a way, the lack of “fire” on this album can be seen as a referendum on some of Ecko Records' songwriters: that Henderson Thigpen, for example, has written a lot of “average” tunes, or that Raymond Moore, over a long and distinguished career, has exhausted just about every creative riff in his arsenal. But how much culpability for this album's mediocrity can be put upon the very same songwriters of whom I praised, in reviewing O.B.'s last album, MISSISSIPPI FOLKS:

"The production by John Ward is like a fresh breeze blowing through a still, sultry day, and I found myself going back to the liner credits to see if, in fact, the same Ecko house writers (John Ward, Raymond Moore, Henderson Thigpen, William Norris, Rick Lawson, John Cummings, etc.) who usually provide Buchana with his material had been replaced with a new batch of tune-smiths, but it's the same old gang, only with a new, not-afraid-to-be-experimental approach.

No. I put this disappointing effort squarely on O.B. His name’s on the cover, and he does more than his usual share of the songwriting. To reprise, there are a few good tracks (even if one is a remix) on SWING ON WITH O.B., and we ARE talking about O.B. singing throughout, so you know there's a lot to enjoy. However, the most disconcerting thing about SWING ON WITH O.B. for a Southern Soul fan and Buchana lover is that it gets you to thinking of the things you DON’T like about O.B.-—the relentless sameness, the limp tempos, the cookie-cutter melodies.

SWING ON WITH O.B. makes you forget all the larger-than-life O.B. moments, the great music, the great vocals. And if you played the music on this album for unversed friends, they’d probably say, “What’s all the fuss about?”, or just shrug their shoulders, and you’d know you’d be better off not telling them O.B.’s one of the great contemporary southern soul singers.

--Daddy B. Nice

Sample/Buy O.B. Buchana's SWING ON WITH O.B. at iTunes.



March 26, 2017:


Sample/Buy O.B. Buchana's SWING ON WITH O.B. album at iTunes.

Sample/Buy O.B. Buchana's SWING ON WITH O.B. album at Amazon.

Track List:

1 There's a Right Way to Do Wrong

2 I Like the Way You Swing

3 You're the One Baby (featuring Lomax)

4 It's Booty Shakin' Time

5 They Were Gone

6 Swing On (Remix)

7 Why Can't I Be Your Lover

8 Good and Grown Lovin'

9 Until Next Time

10 Freak in the Sheets

11 The Last Song

Daddy B. Nice notes:

The new album includes "Why Can't I Be Your Lover," awarded the...

Best Mid-Tempo Song: "Why Can't I Be Your Lover?" by O.B. Buchana

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Why Can't I Be Your Lover?" on YouTube...


Other notable tracks include:

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "Swing On (Remix)" on YouTube.

Listen to O.B. Buchana singing "It's Booty Shaking Time" on YouTube.

Listen to O.B. Buchana and Lomax singing "You're The One, Baby" on YouTube. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

If You Liked. . . You'll Love

If you liked Clarence Carter's "Slip Away," you'll love O. B. Buchana's "Let's Get Drunk."

Honorary "B" Side

"Why Can't I Be Your Lover?"

1-5 Star Recommended Tracks
#6 - Let's Get Drunk by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Let's Get Drunk
CD: Back Up Lover
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Back Up Lover
#6 - Why Can't I Be Your Lover? by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Why Can't I Be Your Lover?
CD: Swing On With O.B.
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Swing On With O.B.
#6 - Back Up Lover by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Back Up Lover
CD: It's Over
Label: Suzie Q
Sample or Buy
It's Over
#6 - I Can't Stop Drinkin' by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
I Can't Stop Drinkin'
CD: I Can't Stop Drinkin'
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
I Can't Stop Drinkin'
#6 - I Owe Everybody by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
I Owe Everybody
CD: I'm Gonna Sleep
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
I'm Gonna Sleep
#6 - I Think He Trusts Me Too Much by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
I Think He Trusts Me Too Much
CD: That Thang Thang
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
That Thang Thang
#6 - Just Cruzin' by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Just Cruzin'
CD: Face Down
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Face Down
#6 - Parking Lot Love Affair by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Parking Lot Love Affair
CD: Parking Lot Love Affair
Label: Ecko
#6 - We Don't Get Along Until We Gettin' It On    by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
We Don't Get Along Until We Gettin' It On
CD: That Thang Thang
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
That Thang Thang
#6 - You're Just Playin' With It by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
You're Just Playin' With It
CD: Southern Soul Country Boy
Label: Ecko
#6 - You're Just Playin' With It (Remix w/ Ann Hines) by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
You're Just Playin' With It (Remix w/ Ann Hines)
CD: Back Up Lover
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Back Up Lover
#6 -  Stage In The Sky (Tribute to Tyrone Davis)     by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Stage In The Sky (Tribute to Tyrone Davis)
CD: I Can't Stop Drinkin'
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
I Can't Stop Drinkin'
#6 - All My Money's Gone (w/ Luther Lackey)    by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
All My Money's Gone (w/ Luther Lackey)
CD: Goin' Back Home
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Goin' Back Home
#6 - Back Door Tipper by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Back Door Tipper
CD: It's Over
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
It's Over
#6 - Both In The Wrong by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Both In The Wrong
CD: Shake What You Got
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Shake What You Got
#6 - Did You Put Your Foot In It  (w/ Mr. Sam)   by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Did You Put Your Foot In It (w/ Mr. Sam)
CD: It's My Time
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
It's My Time
#6 - I Can't Choose (Between The Two) by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
I Can't Choose (Between The Two)
CD: Back Up Lover
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Back Up Lover
#6 - I'm Goin' Back Home by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
I'm Goin' Back Home
CD: Goin' Back Home
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Goin' Back Home
#6 - I'm In Love by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
I'm In Love
CD: Back Up Lover
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Back Up Lover
#6 - I'm Rowdy Rowdy by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
I'm Rowdy Rowdy
CD: Starting All Over
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Starting All Over
#6 - It's My Time by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
It's My Time
CD: It's My Time
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
#6 - It's Over by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
It's Over
CD: It's Over
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
It's Over
#6 - Just Because He's Good To You by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Just Because He's Good To You
CD: Southern Soul Country Boy
Label: Ecko
#6 - O.B. Shuffle by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
O.B. Shuffle
CD: Pop Yo Bottle
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Pop Yo Bottle
#6 - Southern Soul Country Boy by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Southern Soul Country Boy
CD: Southern Soul Country Boy
Label: Ecko
#6 - Whipped Again (w/ Big Pokey Bear) by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Whipped Again (w/ Big Pokey Bear)
CD: Face Down
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Face Down
#6 - Hard Working Lady by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
Hard Working Lady
CD: Goin' Back Home
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Goin' Back Home
#6 - Knock Three Times by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
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Knock Three Times
CD: I'm Gonna Sleep
Label: Ecko
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I'm Gonna Sleep
#6 - Mississippi Folks by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
Mississippi Folks
CD: Mississippi Folks
Label: Ecko
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Mississippi Folks
#6 - Moon Over Clarksdale by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
Moon Over Clarksdale
CD: Let Me Knock The Dust Off
Label: Ecko
#6 - One Way Love (w/ Ms. Jody) by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
One Way Love (w/ Ms. Jody)
CD: It's My Time
Label: Ecko
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It's My Time
#6 - Put Your Mouth In The South by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
Put Your Mouth In The South
CD: Let Me Knock The Dust Off
Label: Ecko
#6 - That Thang Thang by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
That Thang Thang
CD: That Thang Thang
Label: Ecko
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That Thang Thang
#6 - That's My Bad by O. B.  Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
That's My Bad
CD: Shake What You Got
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Shake What You Got


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