Daddy B. Nice's

Alphabetical Index

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Vick Allen
Vick Allen
Roi "Chip" Anthony #26 The New Generation Southern Soul

Miz B
Erykah Badu
Adrian Bagher (The New Generation Southern Soul)
Vickie Baker (New Album Alert!)
Ronnie Bell #16 The New Generation Southern Soul
William Bell (New Album Alert!)
Jim Bennett (New Album Alert!)
Big Cynthia (21st Century)
Big Cynthia (In Memoriam)
Big G (New Album Review)
Big Ike
Big Yayo #17 The New Generation Southern Soul
Bigg Robb
Bigg Robb (21st Century)
Bigg Robb The New Generation
Bishop Bullwinkle
Bishop Bullwinkle (Gone But Not Forgotten)
J. Blackfoot
Cicero Blake (On "Southern Soul" Music)
Bobby "Blue" Bland
Billy "Soul" Bonds R.I.P. (21st Century Chart)
Billy "Soul" Bonds: Departed 2023
David Brinston
David Brinston
Shirley Brown
Pat Brown
Keisa Brown
James Brown
Shirley Brown (21st Century)
O. B. Buchana
O. B. Buchana #1 Single! (Feel So Good)
R. L. Burnside (Blast From The Past)
Sir Jonathan Burton
Stan Butler (Best of 2024)

Barbara Carr
Barbara Carr (21st Century)
Clarence Carter (Blast From The Past)
Chairman Of The Board
Billy Ray Charles
Willie Clayton
Willie Clayton (Back In The Day!)
Bill Coday
Coldrank (#32 The New Generation Southern Soul)
Sam Cooke
Pat Cooley
Shemekia Copeland
Omar Cunningham
Omar Cunningham (Songwriter Supreme)
Cupid (21st Century)

Mr. David (New #1 Southern Soul Single!)
Rue Davis
Sergio Davis
Rue Davis (21st Century)
Tyrone Davis (Ode To "Where Are You, Lady?")
Tina Diamond
Divas (21st Century)
Donnie Ray
Donnie Ray (New Album Alert!)
Earl Duke

Theodis Ealey
Theodis Ealey (21st Century)
Will Easley
L. J. Echols
L.J. Echols #21 The New Generation Southern Soul

F.P.J. Best of 2024 (Best Club Song)
Lee Fields
Jeff Floyd
Jeff Floyd (21st Century)

Ghetto Cowboy
Quinn Golden
Jesse Graham (Retrospective)
Toni Green
Patrick Green

Jaye Hammer (New CD Review!)
Hardway Connection (& Roy C)
Z. Z. Hill
Willie Hill
Eddie Holloway (Blast From The Past)
Avail Hollywood #10 New Generation Southern Soul
Avail Hollywood (Now #10 on the New Generation Chart!)

J-Wonn #7 The New Generation Southern Soul
J-Wonn (Now #7: The New Generation!)
J. Red The Nephew (New Album Alert!)
Millie Jackson (From The Archives)
Jesse James (New EP Alert!)
JCenae The New Generation Southern Soul
Katrenia Jefferson (Retrospective)
Jerry L.
Ms. Jody
Ms. Jody (21st Century)
Syleena Johnson
Bobbye ("Doll") Johnson
Ernie Johnson (Retrospective, w/ J.T., Otis Clay)
Syl Johnson (Is It Because I'm Black)
Sir Charles Jones
Glenn Jones
Jeter Jones (Now #9 on the New Generaton Chart!)
Sir Charles Jones (21st Century)
Jeter Jones: New 5-Star Album Review!
Sir Charles Jones: New 5-Star Album Review!
Bobby Jonz (Obituary)

R. Kelly
Nathaniel Kimble
Nathaniel Kimble (21st Century)
B. B. King
King George: #1 Single!

La Keisha (Best Ballad w/ Alonzo Reid!)
Luther Lackey
Luther Lackey (21st Century)
Denise LaSalle
Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
Latimore (21st Century)
Rick Lawson
Andre Lee
Jimmy Lewis
Lil Fallay
Lil Jimmie
Little Milton
Walt Love
Archie Love (& The Bar-Kays)
The Love Doctor Enters Soul Heaven!
The Love Doctor: Departed 2023
Ronnie Lovejoy
Frank Lucas

Dave Mack
Magic One The New Generation Southern Soul
Marcellus The Singer The New Generation
Carl Marshall
Carl Marshall (21st Century)
Stephanie McDee #28 The New Generation Southern Soul
Stephanie McDee Now #28 on Southern Soul The New Generation!
Wilson Meadows (New Album Alert!)
Wilson Meadows (New Album Alert!)
Frank Mendenhall
Dorothy Moore
Stan Mosley (New 4-Star CD Review!)
Ms. Jody

Jackie Neal
Tyree Neal (New CD Review!)
Jackie Neal (Tribute From Cousin Tyree Neal)
Nelson Curry
Ann Nesby
Ollie Nightingale (Blast From The Past!)

P2K DaDiddy: 4-Star CD Review!
Betty Padgett
X-Man Parker
James Payne
Ann Peebles (Blast From The Past)
Eric Perkins (Returns As EPX)
Steve Perry
Steve Perry (21st Century)
Stephanie Pickett
Pokey Bear (Now #3 on The New Generation Chart!)
Pokey Bear -- The New Generation Southern Soul
Dr. "Feelgood" Potts
Sheba Potts-Wright
Sheba Potts-Wright (21st Century Southern Soul)
Larome Powers R.I.P.
Kelly Price

Queen Isabella

Reggie P. (From The Archives)
Reggie P. from The Archives: Droppin Salt
Calvin Richardson (New Album Alert!)
Sunny Ridell
Chuck Roberson
Roy C. (Remembrance & Obituary)
Bobby Rush
Bobby Rush (Bobby Rush Boulevard)

Mr. Sam
Peggy Scott-Adams
Marvin Sease (Gone But Not Forgotten!)
Joe Simon
Dee Dee Simon #29 The New Generation Southern Soul
Carl Sims
Carl Sims (21st Century)
James Smith
Gregg A. Smith (21st Century)
T. K. Soul
T.K. Soul #6 -- The New Generation
T. K. Soul (Now #6 on the New Generation Chart)
Carolyn Staten #27 The New Generation Southern Soul
Candi Staton
Bob Steele
Stevie J Blues
Little Kim Stewart
Jody Sticker
Mose Stovall
Chuck Strong
Sweet Angel

Johnnie Taylor
Floyd Taylor
Floyd Taylor (Just Think If He Were Alive...)
The Jay Morris Group: 4-Star CD Review!
Crystal Thomas The New Generation Southern Soul
Till 1 #30 The New Generation Southern Soul
Robert "The Duke" Tillman
Top 10 "One Hit Wonders" of Southern Soul
Nellie "Tiger" Travis
Nellie "Tiger" Travis #5 The New Generation Southern Soul
Nellie "Tiger" Travis (21st Century)
Tucka: #1 Southern Soul Single

Unckle Eddie Returns!
Sorrento Ussery

Luther Vandross (Blast From The Past!)

Mel Waiters
Mel Waiters (From Buddy Ace to Sir Charles)
Kenne Wayne
Kenne Wayne (21st Century)
Wendell B (21st Century)
Wendell B. (21st Century Artist Guide)
West Love The New Generation Southern Soul
Ricky White (New Album Alert!)
Artie "Blues Boy" White (Retrospective)
Lynn White (Retrospective)
Cecily Wilborn The New Generation Southern Soul
Lee "Shot" Williams
LaMorris Williams
Tre Williams
Lenny Williams (New Album Alert!)
Chick Willis
Charles Wilson
Charles Wilson (New Album Alert!)
Karen Wolfe
Karen Wolfe #15 The New Generation Southern Soul
Karen Wolfe (21st Century)
Bobby Womack
Terry Wright
O. V. Wright
Terry Wright (21st Century)
Obituary for Maurice Wynn (Gone But Not Forgotten)

Mr. X Mark Safford (R.I.P.: Gone But Not Forgotten)

Arthur Young (New 4-Star Album Review!)
Young Guy #33 The New Generation Southern Soul

Mister Zay
Mister Zay (21st Century)

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